Put your color perception to the test : Farnsworth D-15 Color Vision Test

Evaluates the ability of your color vision to distinguish between specific colors and slight variations in hue within a specific color.

How good is your color vision?... The Farnsworth color vision test gives you accurate color vision, which is essential to all aspects of color development and effective color communication, whether you design, test or formulate in any industry.

The Farnsworth color blind test (also known as the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test) detects color blindness and other color vision abnormalities. The Farnsworth color blindness test has been used to assess color vision for more than 50 years.

The Farnsworth Comprehensive Color Vision Test indicates your color acuity across the entire visible color spectrum, which is important for anyone evaluating or communicating color.

Quick Color Blindness Screening

Perhaps you’re not completely color blind (everything appears black, white and shades of gray)—a rare form of color blindness. Color blindness often involves deficiencies in your ability to discern between certain colors such as red-green or blue-yellow.

Color blindness is more prevalent among males—especially red-green color vision deficiency, which affects 7-10% of males worldwide.

An abridged version of the Farnsworth Color Vision Test—the Farnsworth Munsell Dichotomous D-15 color vision test—offers a quick screening option to detect red-green or blue-yellow color vision deficiencies.

What Do The Scores Mean

Superior Score – Suppose the score is between 0 to 4 transpositions on the first test or total error scores between zero to 16. This is a superior range of scores for color discrimination.

Average Score – Suppose the score is between 16 and 100 on the first tests, then it is the normal range of competence for color discrimination.

Low Score – Suppose the total error score is more than 100, then the first retest may show improvement, but further retests do not significantly affect the score.

Can Practice Undermine Farnsworth D-15 Color Vision test?


This study suggests that it is possible for some patients with severe redgreen color vision deficiency to do perfectly on the Farnsworth D15 test after practicing it.


The Farnsworth D-15 is a commonly used test to qualify people for certain occupations.

For patients with color vision deficiency, there may be high motivation to try to pass the test through practice to gain entry into a particular occupation.

There is no evidence in the literature on whether it is possible for patients to learn to pass the D-15 test through practice.


Ten subjects with inherited red-green color vision deficiency and 15 color-normal subjects enrolled in the study.

All subjects had anomaloscope testing, color vision book tests, and a Farnsworth D-15 at an initial visit. For the D-15, the number of major crossovers was determined for each subject.

Failing the D-15 was determined as greater than 1 major crossover. Subjects with color vision deficiency practiced the D-15 as long as desired to achieve a perfect score and then returned for a second visit for D-15 testing.

A paired t test was used to analyze the number of major crossovers at visit 1 versus visit 2.


Color-normal subjects did not have any major crossovers. Subjects with color vision deficiency had significantly (P < .001) fewer major crossovers on the D-15 test at visit 2(mean/SD = 2.5/3.0) , including five subjects with dichromacy that achieved perfect D15 performance, compared to visit 1(mean/SD = 8.7/1.3).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the D-15 test?

The D-15 test is a so called arrangement test. This type of color blindness tests are based on a set of colored plates or discs which have to be arranged in the correct order.

How to do D-15 color blindness test?

D-15 color blindness test

  1. Arrange the colors!

  2. To choose a color, tap it on the upper line!

  3. Then tap on the position of the bottom line to put them there!

  4. Once color scale is completed, push the 'READY' button!

  5. You can change the order by putting back the color to a white position!

How do you do the Farnsworth D-15 test?

Arrange the colors in the correct order, starting the reference color. This is the online version of the D-15 test, which Farnsworth introduced in 1947.

On mobile, the test is not optimal. Use on PC or tablet. Learn more... Arrange the colors by hue. This is the online version of the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue test, limited to 40 colors.

What is Farnsworth D-15 dichotomous color blindness test?

Online Farnsworth D-15 Dichotomous Color Blindness Test. It is the most famous D-15 dichotomous test which was originally introduced in 1947 by Mr. Farnsworth.

The D-15 test is a so called arrangement test. This type of color blindness tests are based on a set of colored plates or discs which have to be arranged in the correct order.

What is the Farnsworth Lantern Test?

The Farnsworth Lantern Test is one of the popular color vision tests developed for sailors to identify red-green deficiencies for completing their tasks requiring color vision, such as recognizing signal lights at night.

What is the Farnsworth arrangement test?

This test is designed to identify the most common form of color blindness – red green color blindness.

The Farnsworth arrangement test, or more commonly – the color arrangement test, was originally developed for Navy use by Commander Dean Farnsworth in 1943 at the Naval Laboratory.

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